Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!

Today has started very well. I love spending time with my family... It is a joy to share our love in the form of gifts.

I have attached a couple of pictures of the happenings. Big J refused to have pictures of him in his Christmas "PJ's" so you unfortunately won't see him. :)

During the one picture I was telling my Mom to please wait until I got done pulling the sweater on. :) No... I wasn't sticking my tongue out despite what it looked like. :)

Oh yes. I was testing with the Panoramic features and thought I'd throw up the first one I did. It isn't perfect but it was surprisingly easy to take. You just take the picture then move the camera and there is a little dot that moves across the screen and you just line it up in this box and the camera takes it. You just keep going until you are done.

Gotta run. Breakfast is calling!
God bless your Christmas,
LJ with his gun. Boy, I thought it was just a little toy gun that shot rubber bullets. I was wrong. That gun has enough stuff to it to make me stay out of his way. :)

My Amazing Dad and Mom. Dad is just so funny... :)

My once again Amazing Mom!
Here is a video with an Accordion! It was about the 5th time I tried to get it right and this one passed. :)


  1. good, now we have someone who can play the accordion as well:-)

  2. YEP!!!!!!!! It is actually quite fun... You should come over and try it some time. : )

    God bless,

  3. Good job on the accordian. That's neat! There is a friend of ours (a dad) that plays an accordian at our church.
    Like your hat, too!
    God's girl (check my blog & you'll see who I am)

  4. Thank you! That's really neat..... Sometime I'll have to meet him and maybe ask him to teach me some!

    Yes.... I was able to Identify you. :)
