Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I thought it was probably time to change from the Christmas template that I had on there and put something more seasonal. What could be more seasonal than a school bus!!!!! :D Alright, I'll admit that there are a lot of things that are more seasonal but for me, at this time of my life, school happens to be the main thing I do so, it is very seasonal for me! :D 

God is good all the time, but I've noticed it a lot lately. Even with this weather and the cold dreariness of this season, He is still good. He is definitely showing me that I need much growth. I haven't arrived and I am being shown that I have a long way to go yet, I never feel condemned by Christ, for there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus! It spurs me on to growth that only God brings in my life! I am excited to see what God has in the near future! I am thankful He's in control.

Well.... I must run! Much left to do. :D God bless you guys!


  1. Well..ummmm....much..ummmm...better..Jacob...hmmmmm

  2. lol.... Thanks..... =D I've been thinking about changing it... I just don't know what to do it too!
