Friday, November 11, 2011

It's 11/11/11 11:11 PM

I love repeating numbers... so I just had to post at 11:11 PM on 11/11/11. It's got a nice sound to it! I meant to post this morning but we were helping my grandparents take some things to the junk/scrap yard. So, I missed it. =)

I'm doing great and busy with school. I mean to get on here a little more often to update.. I just thought that since this was a once in a life time oppritunity I better post today. =)

The trip of a lifetime!

God is good all the time! All the time God is good! I'm so excited to tell you about my latest trip though. But God is not just good on trips but here in the everyday. Although, the trip was wonderful. Alright, time for you to hear where I went. INDIA! It was incredible but I think what I told a friend in an email sums this up really well:

"Ok... Here's about India. This trip seemed to be more of a trip of what I am not. Let me explain. 

First, God made it really clear that India is not my field. Which surprised me. I actually love that country.... and I enjoyed being there but God was just like, ( even though he didn't actually audibly speak ) "Jacob, this is not your place or field." 

Second, I'm not called to be a preacher. While there my pastor was talking about a passage in Jeremiah about preaching, Jeremiah 20:9, "If I say, "I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name," there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot." My pastor calls this a Holy Woe... To take preaching away from a preacher is to take away his life. I enjoy preaching, but it not the one thing that will make or break me. What I really enjoy doing is mentoring young people... that might be the one thing I couldn't live without. 

Third, I am not really one to go far from home, or country. While I loved India, it was not home. When I went to Mexico, it was not home. The US is home. This doesn't mean that I don't need a mind ( or heart ) change but I don't think I do..... =) It seems so weird and I know I feel called to Missions, but it just seems that, from what God has been showing me lately, Missions is not what He has called me too. I don't understand this at all. You can pray for me that God will show me direction. 

It sounds a little strange to say: "This trip showed me more of what I am not", but it's true! =)"

I don't think I can sum up better. That shares the more personal side of the trip. It was honestly a learning trip and I am still not sure how to take it all. =)

I'll spend sometime in the future days, posting personal bible study's, interesting stories or thoughs about India, or other random things that come to mind!

For now though, I must go. I have some assignments to complete and then I get to continue reading "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffery Chaucer. Everyone's favorite. =)

God bless!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Excuse me? =)

Alright, so I saw a post recently from someone we know. It said that they had just got a HP touch pad. Now, for those who know me well, I am an Apple fan! To think of getting a HP product when you could get an iPad for the same price!!!!! :) so, in return, I am writing this from my "Apple" iPad 2. :)))) haha just had to pick a little bit.... Hope you all are enjoying it though!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

I don't know about you all, but I love the traditional American melodies. They have such a rich sound and are so wonderful to rearrange. I'm working on "There is a Fountain" for my next offertory and the music just really stands out. While it is so beautiful, it backs the words of this song too. Here are the lyrics. If you live nearby then you'll get to hear this on Sunday. In the AM service. :) I'll try to post a video of the practice.

1. There is a fountain filled with blood
 drawn from Emmanuel's veins;
 and sinners plunged beneath that flood
 lose all their guilty stains.
 Lose all their guilty stains,
 lose all their guilty stains;
 and sinners plunged beneath that flood
 lose all their guilty stains.

2. The dying thief rejoiced to see
 that fountain in his day;
 and there may I, though vile as he,
 wash all my sins away.
 Wash all my sins away,
 wash all my sins away;
 and there may I, though vile as he,
 wash all my sins away.

3. Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood
 shall never lose its power
 till all the ransomed church of God
 be saved, to sin no more.
 Be saved, to sin no more,
 be saved, to sin no more;
 till all the ransomed church of God
 be saved, to sin no more.

4. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream
 thy flowing wounds supply,
 redeeming love has been my theme,
 and shall be till I die.
 And shall be till I die,
 and shall be till I die;
 redeeming love has been my theme,
 and shall be till I die.

5. Then in a nobler, sweeter song,
 I'll sing thy power to save,
 when this poor lisping, stammering tongue
 lies silent in the grave.
 Lies silent in the grave,
 lies silent in the grave;
 when this poor lisping, stammering tongue
 lies silent in the grave.

God bless!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hey everyone.... so I know that I haven't been on here in a really long time and for that I am sorry! But God has been good and I have been busy! :) So I thought I'd take a moment to update on what is happening here since it's been around 2 or 3 months since I last posted!

The first thing I think is big is that Jus is now working at a Christian Camp as their Tech Guy. I'm sure a lot of you already know that but I miss him! : ) So I have to say how he is!

The second recent thing is that I was privileged to attend the Student Prayer Advance. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, preaching, and growing in grace! This is a big annual event and I am SO glad God allowed me to go! While He taught me a lot, I think one of the main things He told me was to just slow down and enjoy the little things in life that He is giving me. So often I rush from one thing to the other and don't take time to enjoy the things that He has given me on a daily basis. Another was that I cannot, whatsoever, live the Christian life without Christ. I am a doer so I often like to live the Christian life without total reliance on Christ. This might work well while in a solid Christian home and with good surroundings, but this philosophy will fail when I hit a secular college Campus. Reliance on, and the shinning through of Christ is the only thing that is going to point people to Him, which is the ultimate goal of the human life. But this all must start here and now, not tomorrow, not next month, not in college, right here, right now. Will you pray with me that I can depend on Him more? "For He must increase, while I must decrease". ( Paraphrased. :)

I've mentioned college a couple times and you may be wondering? Are you really that old??? :) Yes... I am starting college. The official start date is August 22nd. It's even hard for me to believe! :) The Lord has allowed me to serve Him in a.... well, special way. I'll have to post more about this in a later post. I think it might take up a whole one. :)

Well... Gotta run. Waiting on a ride at work and I imagine it is here by now. :)

God bless guys!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Resurrection Sunday! "He is not here, but is risen!"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I must admit to something. I was absolutely disheartened by the blog templates I found online! Especially the ones in the "guys" section. I thought this one was better than tiger fur! lol

Well... while the "season" of my life has not changed, my template has and there you go Just Ride.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I thought it was probably time to change from the Christmas template that I had on there and put something more seasonal. What could be more seasonal than a school bus!!!!! :D Alright, I'll admit that there are a lot of things that are more seasonal but for me, at this time of my life, school happens to be the main thing I do so, it is very seasonal for me! :D 

God is good all the time, but I've noticed it a lot lately. Even with this weather and the cold dreariness of this season, He is still good. He is definitely showing me that I need much growth. I haven't arrived and I am being shown that I have a long way to go yet, I never feel condemned by Christ, for there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus! It spurs me on to growth that only God brings in my life! I am excited to see what God has in the near future! I am thankful He's in control.

Well.... I must run! Much left to do. :D God bless you guys!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hey All... I will be offline for the weekend! I look forward to seeing you guys next week!!!!!! :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's snowing outside right now! YAH! We are supposed to get around 5 inches at most.... That's enough to get out there shoveling and making some money! I'll post pics later if we get enough to justify taking pictures. :D