God is good all the time! All the time God is good! I'm so excited to tell you about my latest trip though. But God is not just good on trips but here in the everyday. Although, the trip was wonderful. Alright, time for you to hear where I went. INDIA! It was incredible but I think what I told a friend in an email sums this up really well:
"Ok... Here's about India. This trip seemed to be more of a trip of what I am not. Let me explain.
First, God made it really clear that India is not my field. Which surprised me. I actually love that country.... and I enjoyed being there but God was just like, ( even though he didn't actually audibly speak ) "Jacob, this is not your place or field."
Second, I'm not called to be a preacher. While there my pastor was talking about a passage in Jeremiah about preaching, Jeremiah 20:9, "If I say, "I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name," there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot." My pastor calls this a Holy Woe... To take preaching away from a preacher is to take away his life. I enjoy preaching, but it not the one thing that will make or break me. What I really enjoy doing is mentoring young people... that might be the one thing I couldn't live without.
Third, I am not really one to go far from home, or country. While I loved India, it was not home. When I went to Mexico, it was not home. The US is home. This doesn't mean that I don't need a mind ( or heart ) change but I don't think I do..... =) It seems so weird and I know I feel called to Missions, but it just seems that, from what God has been showing me lately, Missions is not what He has called me too. I don't understand this at all. You can pray for me that God will show me direction.
It sounds a little strange to say: "This trip showed me more of what I am not", but it's true! =)"
I don't think I can sum up better. That shares the more personal side of the trip. It was honestly a learning trip and I am still not sure how to take it all. =)
I'll spend sometime in the future days, posting personal bible study's, interesting stories or thoughs about India, or other random things that come to mind!
For now though, I must go. I have some assignments to complete and then I get to continue reading "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffery Chaucer. Everyone's favorite. =)
God bless!
Encouraging Read by Emily Freeman
9 years ago
Hey, Jacob!!! How cool for you to be able to experience India. It sounds like God really used it in an awesome way. I think you should come on a missions trip to Arizona....lots of young people to mentor in the city of Phoenix :-)