Sunday, June 20, 2010


Now I know which father is the best but I won't debate with you all but I still have to say..... 


Also, Thank you Heavenly Father for your love, mercy, and showing your love by sending your only son to die that we might have forgiveness of sin and be made your children. WE LOVE YOU!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ah... a slow morning... woke, read my devo's and just had a nice time. Although, I am tired from this week it was good to work. 

I read Phillippians 3 this morning and something was pretty interesting. Paul was stating about how we don't need to go back to circumcision for our Salvation and then he goes on to say how, if we based our salvation off of works, he would have the most works! But he doesn't stop there, He quickly goes on to say that all that righteousness is counted for nothing. That can't get his salvation. It is only by Christ's mercy that he is saved... Wow. It was a good reminder for me. Even though I know that I am saved by grace, and am saved, how often do I "work" hard, almost as though my salvation is based on those works? Hm.... maybe I need to work on my trust factor. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lately, I was able to have one of my best friends from AZ in for a short visit and we had a lot of fun! We played airsoft, Settlers of Catan, and took a trip to a Civil War battlefield! While at the battlefield OJ and Dad got some really good pictures and I thought I’d share them! 
As we walked past this statue OJ was trying to get a photo of it so I grabbed Z and we posed like the statue and there is the end product! 

Okay... Time to be serious.. :)

Provided by OJ
While these photos have my watermark on them, they were actually taken by OJ and one by Dad ( The one with the big monument in the background. ) They get the credit! 

Hey Z! Thanks for all the fun! We miss you already here! :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As I browsed through my photo library looking for a picture of my family to send to a friend, I found this photo. 

I can't quite remember where I was when I took this photo but I believe it was in New Mexico. I just can't remember though. :) I thought I'd share it with you all! 

Enjoy your day in Christ!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Well, as I told a friend in an email, I think I am fighting a losing battle! For those who know, today my awesome big bro is leaving for a 10 week mission trip and I am feeling like I might just die. Okay, not that bad but I can't imagine life without my truest, bestest :), and overall, favorite friend! 

So, Brother, I love you and will miss you immensely but know that this is part of God's plan for you as you grow up into man-hood. Know that I am praying for you and will always be there if you need to unload over the phone. 

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

As I thought about this verse I know that Jesus Christ, my propitiation, is my closest friend and can always help me through a time like this, even though it is only 10 weeks. ( Which seems like a long time :) I know it is just a little selfish to want to hold him back but I just have to trust God. He created my brother, he can most definitely take care of him. This will be a great thing for him to experience and God will grow him through it, and that's important. 

Love you brother and be safe! We covet prayers for him as he travels!

Ps. Wow. This is post 60!