Sunday, July 25, 2010

PS. Thanks Mandie for the idea behind this post! 


  1. Hey Micah... good to see you made it on the blog! Welcome! :)

    Well, we have been up to sorta a normal life..... everyone has some where to go and something to do but we are holding our sanity ( somewhat.. :) and growing in the Lord.... I am working a part time job which is fun.... It has to do with grass mowing, which is fun on the big pieces of equipment. ( I'll admit... the push mowing isn't as fun... :)

    What about you? Anything up? How are you doing w/ your VF?

  2. Thanks.!

    Lucky, I been trying to get my mom and dad to let me get a job once im 15... idk how old I have to be though.
    lol yea I kinda miss having grass. its been like 4 years since we had grass :\

    Ummm.... lets just say I dont have a normal life, im back in the hospital for about 2 days with mrsa. aka a really infected zit.. az is not a good place for me lol.. the VF has gone away its been a year since i had it.. Did you see my video on amandas blog? I look like i got hit by a truck now Lol

  3. Haha.... I did see the vid and my.... that had to hurt! OUCH! :)

    Hm.... you mean that grass won't grow out there in that killing heat..... Hm, I wonder why? :) JK

  4. Yeah it did when I went to the hospital for the Mrsa they all thought I was in for that, there like "Oh man did you get in a car accident??" but Im all cleared up now :P

    Only in the winter... Sadly seeing as in the winter everything supposed to be dead... yea.. I strongly dislike Arizona.. Hey so how old are you now? its been like 3 years since a seen you guys :\

  5. Hey! Where are all your new posts?

  6. Sorry........ Been really busy. :)

  7. Oh that explains things. We have been crazy busy lately too.

    Oh, btw, I saw your's and Justin's emails about my surgery today (from the hospital comp.) and please tell your mom and family thanks for praying!!!
