Monday, May 24, 2010

Last Friday night we had the best time. We had our end-of-the-year program and what fun... We had a concert and a Shakespeare play, ( The Merchant of Venice ) I played my arrangement of Come Thou Fount and was Shylock in the play! I was told though that I was not allowed carry my role into real life! What a shame... what a shame. :)

The Video of Come Thou Fount is at the bottom... I am still learning how to work with video's on here. :)

Anyway, here are some pictures of the performances and play. J and I did Ash Grove, J on the Hammered Dulcimer and I was on the Classical Guitar. It went well but you can’t hear me on the recording.... I guess my mic wasn’t loud enough! :) I guess that I just won't upload the video for this one.... If you want it I'll put it up... you just can't hear the guitar.

It is very hard to believe that another year is done yet, it is true. Well... we aren’t quite done but two weeks aren’t that long.

Here are some of the pictures. One is of me on the guitar and then on the piano and then there is the court scene pic and lastly is the actors. What a crazy group! :)

I want to take a moment to thank all the teachers, Mrs. Sam, As our Shakespeare teacher you were just amazing with us kids and the way our play worked out, it was because you helped us do it! Thank you! Ms. Suzie, Speech class was such fun this year. Thank you for working with us and making it as fun as speech can be! Thank you! Ms. Carol, writing is never anybody’s favorite class yet you made that enjoyable too! Thank you! Ms. Marci, Art was fun this year! I know that I have always struggled through art yet you helped me along and I really enjoyed it! Thanks! Tim and Sam, PE was a blast as well and I think that Dodgeball should most definitely a part of next year’s PE class! :) Thanks!

I think I covered just about everyone... oh yes.... To my mom, Thank you for forbearing yet one more year and being there for me. You are my favorite teacher ever and I love you! THANK YOU MOM!

Enjoy the videos and have a great day!

Well... I tired to upload the video but it is a really big file. 117 MB to be exact so I will post it later for you all! Have a great night!


  1. need for thanks but you are welcome. Everything done at co-op is well worth it because you are a great group of young people.

    It IS hard to believe that yet another year has passed by so quickly.
    P.S.~ Great pictures!! :-))

  2. It was a great year!
    That's right...You should not carry your role into real life! Show mercy!
    I know I will not carry my role into real life!

    oh...and what do you mean a crazy group of actors. ????
